Cagliari – Coffee Beans and Single Serving Pods

How, where and how much we select the origins of our coffee. Often we don’t think about it, but when the coffee is harvested it is still enclosed in a red berry. The organoleptic characteristics of the coffee cup depend on the raw coffee from which it is extracted. In turn, raw coffee has different characteristics depending on the altitude at which it was grown, as well as the climate and soil. That’s why we take great care in selecting the origins that create our blends.

Available Products:

  • HQ ESPRESSO BAR (coffee beans): A blend of Arabica and Robusta in which the sweet scents of dried fruit and caramel coming from Central and South American origins are perfectly balanced with the nutty and bitter cocoa scents of Robusta. Character and intensity for a full bodied and enveloping cup.
  • Gran Caffè NESPRESSO (single serving pods): An intense blend composed mainly of fine Arabica grown in Brazil, with incredibly sweet and balanced taste. A perfect harmony between the body and the roasted bread, hazelnut and vanilla notes.

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The history of the Cagliari company is the one of a family from Modena and represents the typical history of the last 150 years of Italy. A story of men who became pioneers. Driven by noble ideals and great courage, they crossed the ocean in search of a better future. So it was for Ambrogio, who travelled to Brazil where he found a job in a coffee growing fazenda. Thanks to his determination and seriousness, he soon got to deal with the selection and commercialization of green coffee. From Sao Paulo he went to Bordeaux to spread Brazilian coffee in Europe, in a slow journey back home. Where he returned in 1909, he inaugurated his roasting and tasting store in the center of Modena.


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